Hurricanes and earthquakes,
Gunfire and wildfires,
Total devastation
Left in their wake
So much anger, fear, sadness
Where is the elemental balance?
May we pause in prayer
Contemplating the imbalance
Of elements within
So we can hear their cries
To offer what’s needed most
When nothing else makes sense
Hurricanes in Houston, Naples, and Marcos Island. Earthquakes in Mexico. Gunfire in Las Vegas. Wildfires still burning in northern California. Other disasters in the world not mentioned here. Total devastation left in their wake. So many struggling, hungry and homeless. Family and friends of the deceased still grieving.
Where is the elemental balance?
I sit in meditation, breathing in the suffering of the world, breathing out whatever forms of relief I can offer (monetary contributions, a compassionate ear for stories of loss, sitting with my own confusion till I am clear about the meaning of non-harming, trusting I can contribute to peace).
May this post be a wildfire of inspiration. May we offer what’s needed most when nothing else makes sense.