(click on image to enlarge)
The breath does not ask why this
body is in the shape that it is.
Like the wind, it kisses all parts
of the terrain with impartial care.
The body sits, stands, walks, lays down
always in relation with the Earth,
Her tears falling as spring rain,
our tears falling for the lives we can’t save.
Some days the sun peaks through
dismal COVID clouds threatening
to blanket and suffocate us all.
When smiles are masked,
hugs and handshakes forbidden,
the eyes still communicate compassion.
Spring flowers still push through
cracks of uncertainty
despite a destiny of decay.
May all that we’ve lost seed the soil
for all that can still be gained,
benevolence and interdependence
standing together, six feet apart
frantic hearts at the front lines
fighting to protect what never dies.